Landscape photography 


People who are first to start taking pictures have always the same question on their minds. How to take a landscape photo?  Which camera/gadget should be the best?  You will find answers to the questions here.  Let’s start.  When you start taking pictures, you will take landscape shots as a follow-up instinct. The process is […]

Five Tricks You Need to Know to Take Photos in Dark 

dark photo

Photography is an art, and there are many ways in which it can be performed. Artists should recognize many possible ways to express themselves.  I will commit to you the ingenious tricks of taking photos in a non-light environment.  Typically taking photos in a dark environment is difficult, but when you find out how to […]

Iconic photographs – The Afghan Girl 

Iconic photographs

Some eras have symbolic pictures. These pictures can actually tell you all the experiences with a single frame like a movie. Today I would like to talk about a picture that everyone knows but is dusted on the top. Do you remember the Afghan Girl on the cover of the National Geographic June issue? Yes, […]

Which brand shall I buy my camera?

anıl uzun

So far we have come into contact with the astounding world of photography and took our time to know more about camera types available for our tiny little sprouting hobby. Being the beginner you are, you must be wondering: “Yeah, specifications, numbers and all, but, WHAT DO I BUY NOW? NIKON? CANON?”. Can’t say the […]

Basic Terminology in Photography by Anıl Uzun

anıl uzun

I like keeping it as it comes to my mind. Because normally one would expect to see basic terminology of photography within my second post of photography series, however, well, me is me. So let me give you an overview of Fundamentals of the hobby. Some could find it technical enough and hence boring, however […]

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